JobsASI: We are building Artificial Specific Intelligence for Talent teams!

AI & Machine Learning Powered Talent Acquisition Software that integrates deeply with your ATS, giving you the insights you need to hire the best talent.

We help you reduce your time to hire and cost per hire by triaging your applications and providing you with insights to help you prioritise which roles to work on.

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AI Candidate Assessments

We provide AI Candidate Assessments to help you identify the best candidates for your roles. We create a scorecard from your job description and then score your candidates against it.

This allows you to triage your applications and focus on the best candidates first. No more overwhelming application numbers!

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ML Powered "Weather" Forecasting for hiring

We provide ML Powered "Weather" Forecasting to help you predict when you will fill your roles. This will help you work out which roles you need to work on and helps inform your recruitment plan.

We also provide you with insights to help you improve your time to hire and cost per hire.

Location Heuristic

We use AI to assess whether candidates have ties to the role's location. This will help you quickly identify the best candidates for your roles based on location.

These suggestions are based on the candidates' CV using features like phone number, previous work locations, etc. This will help you reduce your time to hire and cost per hire.

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(Coming soon) Personalised rejection emails at scale

Using our AI Candidate Assessments, we can provide personalised rejection emails to candidates at scale. We also ask candidates for more information about their experience and skills, so you can build a talent pool of candidates for future roles.

This will help you improve your employer brand and candidate experience as well as discovering those candidates who are excellent at everything except writing CVs!

About us

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We are JobsASI

We are a team of experienced Software / Data / ML Engineers with domain experience in Talent Aquisition. We are passionate about helping you hire the best talent.

Most teams building Talent Acquisition software either have experience in Talent or Software Engineering.

We have both.

We understand the challenges you face and we have the technical expertise to solve them.

We are based in London, UK and Talinn, Estonia and are currently in private beta. If you would like to join our beta, please get in touch.

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